Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


My late, Great Uncle Howard made this card table. I've had it so long that I fail to look at it for the beauty of his work and the variety of wood he used. Isn't it great!


  1. That's one talented uncle you have there, very Beautiful.

  2. wow - that pattern is gorgeous :)!

  3. Annie,

    I love that Great Uncle Howard's table stayed in the family with someone who appreciates his artistry.

    When my MIL died she left a house filled to the brim with furniture and knick knacks, some valuable, some, not so much!

    We have a large family filled with nieces,nephews,cousins,etc and wanted them to have Grandmom's things.

    We took a notebook and listed every item in every room. Then we put a lockbox with a key inside on the front door of the house and told everyone to go to the house and select what they wanted and put their name next to the item in the notebook. Only Exception was : If you gave the item to Grandmom it automatically went back to you.

    This worked out so well! Now, wherever we go in the family we see a reminder of Mom. A chair or a table or a vase..

    I have told my kids I want them to do the same thing with my things when I pass away...

  4. Very unique and worth holding on to.

  5. What an amazingly beautiful piece of art to be treasured....and, I know that you do. : )


  6. Very beautiful! Mr. RK does woodworking, too - I'm amazed people can actually DO this stuff.

  7. That is beautiful. Simply beautiful.

  8. I love it! I'm sure that table has been part of great parties and conversations.
