Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


This is a coloring page caricature of one of my favorite bloggers. I have posted this (with her permission) to see if anyone can guess who this is.

It might take a little work on your part. Go to my side bar under Blogger Buddies and search a few on my list to see if you can identify the mystery lady. The first one to guess correct will win a prize:-)


  1. I don't know who she is.

    I love the picture and the post below!! LOL

  2. Rachel, You're not supposed to just give up. Go to my side bar under Blogger Buddies and search a few on my list to see if you can identify the mystery lady. The first one to guess correct will win a prize:-)

  3. I'm gonna guess it's Monica from NY. I didn't check out very many of your other blogs as I'm at work. I have to tell you the bear pic brought tears to my eyes I was laughing so hard. They guys in the office loved it too.

  4. Annie,

    I don't know who it is but she reminds me of the story of Pat and Mike who got very drunk on the way home from the bar.

    They saw a crowd outside the funeral home and went in. They were so drunk they knelt down at the piano instead of the casket and Pat said to Mike,"I don't know who this woman is, but she sure had nice teeth."

  5. Bonnie, you are the first official participant in the "Color Me...Who?" contest. Thanks for jumping in.

    Nancy, you have a story for everything! Speaking of stories, I voted for MENU PLEASE to win ESP Best for August. I'm happy for the winner, but pouting that it wasn't you.

  6. Thanks, Annie. That makes me feel good......

  7. Well, it's not Rachel. Could it be Renae?? Please let it be Renae. :)

  8. This is a great characture of someone.. and I can't begin to guess who however, it was a wonderful idea...

    Hello Annie, hope all is well with you? Grateful to God...I'm feeling wonderful.
    Almost back to normal...what a miracle..and I'm catching up on life..

    Dorothy from grammology
