Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Friday, June 27, 2008


I have blogs on blog feeder, blog list, google reader, blog roll. I am very confused and need to eliminate some format. My favorite is the recent blog roll. It is set to show the ten most recent posts. But, if more than ten of my fav's post I might miss something, so I have to go to google reader and check, then I have to go to the list of feeds to see if I have missed anything there. I think I am going to have to get out the antique pencil and paper and make a single combined list to see what I've lost in the shuffle.

Anyone know what I'm talking about or am I in this confusion alone?


  1. I just have favorite list for my blogs so nope...don't understand but good luck:)

  2. I have most of mine in Bloglines and in my favorites list - so I don't have your confusion. Maybe you need to settle on one service that takes care of everything?

  3. I'm still old school- clicking on my favorite blogs to check for updates.

  4. Happy weekend everyone. I'm starting to hyperventilate so I'm going to step away from my computer for a while. Monica, Judy and Nora, thanks for you contact. Yes, it does seem that I'm the only one confused. But that's nothing new! LOL

  5. Um...Green?

    I'm so confused.

  6. Yes, OGO, I was thinking green too.
