Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Slim managed to run off the fox twice yesterday. This is how Slim stood guard the remainder of the day until we put the chickens in their house at dusk. Beth, Dillon and I actually saw the fox the second time and saw Slim do her thing. She is a gentle dog but a ferocious chicken protector. And, in fairness I must give credit to Milton the guinea fowl for his part in saving the chickens. Slim chases away the predator while Milton sounds the alarm and leads the flock to safety.
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  1. Way to go, Slim! You are lucky to have her. My cleaning woman lost all her hens to coyotes (she says).

  2. What a beautiful dog!

  3. Slim and Milton are quite a team!
    How neat that they work together to protect the chickens. Hopefully, you won't lose any more of your chickens to predators.

  4. What a priceless animal! I love the picture:)
