Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Saturday, October 13, 2007


I am a MacGregor descendant. Our clan was banished from Ireland. Mary Queen of Scots aka Bloody Mary, decreed that anytime four MacGregors were found together, they were to be put to death. My spouse, also Irish, found this little tidbit of information for me. If you, by chance, are a MacGregor and approach me with two other MacGregors, please be advisesd that we are all in peril. We do not find where there was any special hatred for Peter Rabbit....just his intrusion into our gardens. (Anyone think I might have had a wee too much wine today?)


  1. Anonymous5:11 PM

    I don't have a drop of Irish blood, but hold on, don't go anywhere...

    Ok, I'm back.

    No, Mrs. Z isn't a McGregor. So it's safe to bring her and Junior over.

  2. I'm not a MacGregor either....LOL...and what kind of wine is it? I may need some of that!
