Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

BOTTLE OF oodweys

This morning I stumbled to the bathroom in my typical morning fog. My glasses were not yet placed over my squinted eyes. It appeared the housekeeper had tipped a bottle over on the vanity. I saw the bottle on its side and read "oodweys". What in the world is oodweys I ask myself. Then I turned the bottle over.

Sorry for lack of explanation. Write the word oodweys in lower case letters on a piece of paper. Now, turn the paper 180 degrees. See?


  1. Am I missing something? Is it suppose to be obvious what it was?

  2. Sorry for lack of explanation. Write the word oodweys in lower case letters on a piece of paper. Now, turn the paper 180 degrees. See?

  3. HAHAHA it's Shampoo or rather Shempoo ppl...lmao!!! Cute

  4. If it's a lower case "e" it will convert to a lower case "a" when you make that 180 turn.

  5. I wash my hair with oodweys almost every day.
    It's really gooood stuff!

    Your new icon is dandy.
    I'm wondering if you really own pants like those.

  6. Anonymous8:39 PM

    I am so glad I am not alone in the world of the unusual word. I loved it when I figured out you were looking at shampoo. Well, at least you kept the post clean!

  7. Yes, it was a bottle of shampoo....

    I remember, when my daughter was about 4 years old, she asked me, "Mom, what does NOVA mean?" I said "What?" She showed me a bottle on the counter in the bathroom and it said, AVON. She read it mirror image....I took her in for testing at the elementary school and they said she was just left handed and she was reading everything backwards. They said, that by first grade she would be fine, and she was....So weird!

  8. Moon, I'm glad you got it. Jamie, I wish I owned pants like those. I also wish I had boobs like those. That's what self portraits are all about -- wishes. Lucy, I can remember a time I thought AVON was NOVA and I think I was beyond first grade. Maria, I knew you would love my oodweys story since you and I both tend to ....well, you know. LOL Kenju and Myutopia, did you guys figure it out?
