Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Wednesday, July 04, 2007


This is the big iron bridge we fish under. As you can see from my camera phone photo, there is no going under the bridge now! The road on the opposite side of the bridge is also under water which means the homes of the people along the road are also flooded. Everyone is speculating that the big iron bridge will not weather this flood. Regardless you can see people standing and fishing on the bridge. There was a roadblock and the sheriff was on the way to get them off the bridge. The county workers had tried to get them to leave but no one would listen. They did say I could walk down and take a picture but not to get on the bridge. Duh!
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  1. Those people are nuts for taking the risk of standing on that bridge.
    I don't think people realize how powerful flood waters are. We had a 26 year old guy drown here just a couple of days ago. The guy was fishing along a river, then waded into the river and the water carried him downstream. Very dangerous!!!!

  2. And a lovely thumb it is!

    Your bridge does look like ours!
