Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Thursday, July 12, 2007


I do not hear from my brother often so when he speaks it's like E.F. Hutton -- everybody listens. I asked for some good Netflix movie recommendations and he suggested STRANGER THAN FICTION. But I don't like Will Ferrell. My brother said he didn't care much for Will Ferrell either until this movie. And so, being a good little sister, I ordered the movie.

Loved, loved, loved it!

Now I might even count Will Ferrell as one of my favorite actors. Plus Emma Thompson was excellent but we expect that.


  1. My daughter and I saw that when it was in the theater. We really liked it too.
    Will Ferrel did a terrific job. The guy really can act!
    Who knew???

  2. I never it and wasnt a big Fan Of Will until I saw Elf, I love LOVE Elf its such a great movie!
