Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Sunday, June 10, 2007


With my big sister. I am still the younger, but now I'm the BIG sister. My spouse says there had to be two of us to share the insanity. I think my name should have been addendum -- an added thing. Her name could have been guardian. Can you tell which one of us was in charge? A picture is worth a thousand words and this one tells which of us would grow up to be a chicken farmer -- the one with no socks and messy hair. My sister put this inside my birthday card. There can't be a better picture anywhere that says "sisterly love". We are very very different AND exactly alike.
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  1. Awwww, such a nice photo of you and your sissy.
    What's wrong with no socks & messy hair?
    Since we moved from Arkansas to California, I've found that I fit in much better with barefeet and hair uncombed.
    Also, if I'd get some tattoos on the back of my neck and just above my buttcrack, I'd REALLY fit in.

    I'm so glad you popped by over at my place.
    It's gooood to know you! I generally post one time midweek and once on the weekend, and then visit my blog buddies in between.

    I looked down several posts to get a feel for you and your blog. I am a strong supporter of our military. I am a proud member of Soldiers' Angels. My adopted soldier came home and retired from military service after many years. I now write letter of encouragment each week to our soldiers in the field. They deserve all the support we can give them!!

  2. Ooops!
    I meant to say we moved from CA to AR!!!!!

  3. You were both adorable, but I prefer no socks with sandals! This is why I always wanted a sister!

  4. Ummmm......I'm almost 40 and I still don't wear socks, much less brush my hair on a regular basis. That's why God made rubber bands!;)
