Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Say A Prayer For Lily

You might say Lily hit the ground running this morning, but she actually hit the wall running. She flew off the roost and hit the wall and seems broken. I have sequestered her in the hen hospital and know that chickens can bounce back from all kinds of injuries, so I am hopeful.

I know, I know, with all the terrible things in the world, I should do better with my time than worry about chickens, but they are my pets.......and Lily is so pretty. She's my all white Aracauna. Her siblings are worried about her too and are clucking around her pen.

I ran to the house with Lily and called to Ron. He came out to inspect and to tell me that I know more about chickens than he does and then I turned around to see old Rottenwieler standing about a foot away from us licking his chops.

Once this move goes through I may not have any chickens left to take with me. Oh yes, right now it looks like we will close on April 26. I'm not putting any favorable odds on that.

1 comment:

  1. i would be upset if my chicken was hurt!!! I hope shes ok :)
