Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


Jessi has crowned herself "Most Productive Blogger" and I must agree that she has made a proper pronouncement. We have also agreed (and thus decreed) that I run a close second. Now what does this mean? Do we blog because we like to write? Because we have more time than others? Because our creative juices run rampant? Whatever the reasons, we would still like to see the rest of the family participate and we will continue to view their sites in hopes of some surprising new epistle. Oh yes, the Dodge Grand Caravan has arrived and is a jewell. We are very happy with our purchase.

1 comment:

  1. i think it's because i have more time. and i still don't post as much as i could! the only juice i have that's running rampant is snot!
